Pricing Info

Fleece Processing Price List

Please fill out the custom milling form.

  • Please check out our Preparing Raw Fleece
  • If we discover an issue with your fleece (Scurf, Felting, Wood Chips, Weak Fibre, etc) that will prevent us from processing it, we will notify you before taking any further action. Moth infested fleece will be disposed of immediately due to contamination danger. Infestations can quickly affect other orders in the mill, as well as property and physical health.
  • For pictures and descriptions of services, please check out our Services page.
  • The cost of scouring is due at drop off and must be paid before processing begins.
  • The cost of the finished fleece is due upon pick up.
  • Prices do not include shipping, handling, or taxes.
  • Per process run (tumble, wash, pick, card, etc.) a minimum order is 5lbs of finished weight per colour or fleece or breed. Orders less than 5lbs will be charged as 5lbs.
  • Orders that require pindrafting, spinning and skeining only will be charged a minimum $200.
  • Processing costs are nonrefundable, nor will exchanges be made.

Prices may be subject to change without notice.

  • Scouring price is based on incoming weight, and all other prices based on finished weight.
  • Special consideration will be given to large orders.
  • Please contact us for pricing on processing Exotics such as Musk Ox, Buffalo, Dog Hair, Camel, Mohair, Angora, Alpaca, Cashmere etc. This is due to the extra time and care required, thank you.
  • At this time, Exotics will not be carded/pin-drafted as the sole fibre source. The effort and time to do so is time intensive, and results in less yield
  • We reserve the right to stop processing at any point, and processing fees are required to be paid up until that point to receive the product returned.
  • Not all fibre can be processed. We will work with you to give you the best product the fibre is capable of based on our recommendations. Health of the fibre is paramount to producing a good fibre product. If the quality of the fibre isn't there, the end result will be less than optimal.

Tumble and Hand-Scour


All fleece that comes in will go through the above process. The fleece will be tumbled, scoured twice and rinsed twice. The fleece needs to be as clean as possible to be processed. This is mandatory, as this ensures our equipment is protected from dirt, grease, product buildup, ect., and allows us to estimate and evaluate the quality of the fibre. Non-refundable. 

Medium to Coarse Sheep   $10.00/Ib

Based on incoming weight.

Fine Sheep, Alpaca, Lamb   $15.00/Ib

Based on incoming weight.

Second Scouring

Extra scour if fleece is still dirty from the first three washes, includes extra fibre open and tumble.

Medium to Coarse Sheep   $5.00/Ib

Based on incoming weight.

Fine Sheep, Alpaca, Lamb   $7.50/Ib

Based on incoming weight.


Fiber Opening and Carding

After the fleece has been scoured, it will be fiber opened. This allows for easier and more consistent carding. Then tumbled again to remove fine particles of VM. Once this is done, the fibre is carded in to a carded roving or batts.

Batts will be packaged individually.

Batts                                            $22.75/Ib

Based on finished weight.



Pin-Drafted roving from the Carder to create a more aligned roving for the hand-spinner.

Includes Fiber Opening and Carding. Rovings are pin-drafted twice.

Roving                                         $32.75/Ib

Based on finished weight.


Spinning, Plying and Skeining

Includes Pin-Drafting process. Fibre is pin-drafted three or more times before it is spun to create a worsted yarn. A single yarn is then plied to create a 2ply or 3ply yarn. Yarn will be wound into 100-500 yard skeins, unless otherwise specified.

Based on finished weight. 

Due to the care and time to set up the spinner for each yarn weight, MINIMUM 5LBS FINISHED WEIGHT IS REQUIRED for each run. Orders less than 5LBS will be charged as 5LBS.

Prices are based on a 2ply yarn. (Extra charge for a 3ply yarn.)


Lace to Fingering 2ply.                         $56.75/Ib

Sport to DK 2ply                                     $51.75/Ib

Worsted to Bulky 2ply                         $46.75/Ib

Produces About 2 to 4 Skeins per Pound


Additional Services

These ​services are not required for each order but are offered if requested or required to produce the best product possible.

Skirting                                       $15.00/Ib

A fee will be added per pound of fleece to skirt, if needed. We reserve the right to either skirt the fleece or reject it. Fleece found with months will be disposed of immediately.

Blending                                     $7.00/Ib

Based on finished weight and added to final total.

Blending can be done at the carding or pin-drafting stage.

Fibre to be blended can be purchased upon request.


Example of Pricing

10lbs Medium to Coarse Sheep incoming weight x $10.00 for tumbling and scouring = $100.00 + tax due before processing begins

8lbs Medium to Coarse Sheep finished weight (20% loss due to processing) x Sport to DK $51.75 = $414.00 + tax due on pick-up

Total cost of processing fleece = $514.00 + tax

8lbs Sport to DK Yarn yields about 32 skeins. Each skein $16.06 to produce.

Important Information

Scouring fees are nonrefundable, skirted out fleece and carded waste is disposed of, unless a storage fee for the waste is agreed to be paid.

These prices are guidelines. If more care and attention is required to create a good product, extra changes will be applied. 

By agreeing to pay their invoice, the customer has reviewed and understood the preparing raw fleece page, pricing on the company website, filled out the Custom Milling Form, and that all information is correct.  Payment due on receipt of invoice.

Payment can be made at the Mill upon pick-up. Debit and all major credit cards accepted. E-transfer is also accepted to

After 15 days, 15% interest will be charged, compounded monthly.

After 30 days, if no payment is made, the mill will sell the product to recover costs.

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